Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Bunny!

The Sharpe family took a ski trip to Beech Mountain, NC over the weekend. Savannah isn't old enough to ski quite yet, but rest assured we can't wait to introduce her to this fun activity. We take this trip every year with a great group of friends. It is really neat how our trips have changed with the addition of children. Savannah made lots of new friends on our trip:)!

Savannah and daddy on the slopes. As you can see from the picture, we had great skiing weather!
Savannah and her new friends. Lyndsey Delamar (Kristy & Bryan's daughter), Adler Chilton (Shannon & Lane's son).

Daddy and our little snow bunny at breakfast on our way down the mountain.


Anonymous said...

I just have to get all cheesy and sentimental and say that in the 10plus years since I met Sean, I have never seen him look so freakin HAPPY-- it is absolutely heartwarming!

Andrea and Sean said...

Ahh are so sweet. I'm sure Louis seconds that, right? Ha!!Ha!!