Sunday, February 22, 2009

Savannah has had a ROUGH week!

Last week Savannah was not feeling well and was not sleeping well either. We took her to the Doctor and they put her on Amoxicillan for an ear infection. Poor thing! The next day we started noticing a rash on her head and thought she might be having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. We took her back to the Dr and they told us that it was not an allergic reaction but rather that she had contracted Chicken Pox. Needless to say, the past week has not been very fun for Savannah. Here are few pictures of the outbreak. Don't you feel sorry for her?

As if the were not enough - our little girl has also been cutting two teeth! Both bottom front teeth appeared within the last three days! Here are two pictures that we managed to snap of her new toothy grin... (please forgive the blurriness - Savannah wouldn't cooperate.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwww man!
not fair!
(she is still cute as can be, even with spots:)