Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

The Sharpe family celebrated the Labor Day weekend with doing as little Labor as possible. We stuck close to home and just enjoyed family life. Here are some pics from our labor free weekend.
Nanny, Nanny, Boo, Boo!
Helping Daddy get the boat ready for winter.
On the boat chillin' with Daddy!
Mommy can't drink since she is nursing, but that didn't stop Savannah from finding Daddy's boat stash! Ha! Sitting with Mommy and watching Daddy clean the boat.

Savannah has started to like her swing.

Hanging out in her crib. She likes to look at all the colors. Notice the beautiful crib blanket - made by Grandma Sharpe:). Taking a cat nap after a ride with Daddy to the cell phone store. Sean jumped in the water with his phone in his pocket. He had to get a new one. Mommy was getting her nails done... yes... I did!
Savannah likes to sit in her boppy and look around at the lights and pictures in the house.

We ended the weekend with our very first trip out to dinner with Savannah. We joined Grandpa and Nana Parham and Uncle Waylon, Aunt Robin & Cousin Noah for Mexican. Savannah did a great job.

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