Saturday, January 23, 2010

Savannah's Acting Debut

Kindercare had a "Winter Gala" for the children and parents on Friday. The toddlers in conjunction with the 2 year olds performed 2 songs and danced the "snowflake" dance. As you can see from the video, Savannah had "creative differences" in terms of costume. She took her snowflake off and as soon as she saw us she decided that singing and dancing weren't her game that day:). It was so cute! Honestly, I knew that she would be that way. When I pick her up at the end of the day she is ready to go! Her teacher, Miss Keyera, said that Savannah sings and dances at circle time every day, so we know she can do it! We enjoyed being with her at school even for this very short period of time.

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